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Welcome to our new chess playing web site! Why join our community of chess players when there are so many other sites where you can play chess? This is a free email, turn based, correspondence chess site with no subscription fees! Email Chess is similar to correspondence chess. The only difference is that your opponent's moves arrive via email. There is no additional software to download and registration is free. Here is what you get. Enjoy!
  • Graphical user interface. Just click to highlight the piece you want to move, then click the square to move to.
  • Move history is displayed either in Algebraic Notation, or in a verbose style.
  • You can select from different board size and piece sets to customize the look of your game.
  • Persistent Games. Games are stored between web sessions.
  • Move validation by JavaScript, including check, pawn promotion, castling and en-passant.
  • "Offer draw" and "Resign" options.
  • You can Chat with your opponent.
  • Multilanguage support in (English, German, French, Portuguese and Spanish).
  • Users are Rated based on victories and loses.
  • Ranking of players based on their rating.
  • User Statistics with History of games and Graphic visualization of rating evolution.
  • Players can choose to join a team with other players.
  • Draw Verification (Stalemate only).
  • You can see who is online.
  • You can choose to play rated or non-rated game.
  • With the analyze feature you can navigate in the history and see all the moves from the beginning.
  • Text File export compatible with PGN.

Online Entry!

Club Member

Club Member Information

Deanna Bailey

If you would like a message posted here email the webmaster@chessmaniac.com

Alex Bruzzo

Do you play piano? Speak French? Are you Sicilian? The more I learn about chess (I'm just beginning) the more interested I get. Hope to see more at the Paso Chess club meeting on Wednesdays!

Nevin Dauer

If you would like a message posted here email the webmaster@chessmaniac.com

Joe Deakin
Chess is a terrific hobby, and a safe addiction. It is international, I have played many games with friends overseas using the chessboard as our translator. It is fun for children and adults, I have been playing since grade school, and I am still learning. Paso Robles offers a club that invites all ages and all abilities to enjoy a relaxed atmosphere in a great new building. We have boards, we have clocks, just show up and play, watch or chat.
And my favorite line – “Time for another game?”
“ The threat is often stronger than its execution.” Nimzovitch
My USCF rating.
Irwin Friedman

Age 71, married, retired from Air Force and 3m Co. I have been playing chess for 60 years. I do not have a USCF rating.

Larry Hoke
If you would like a message posted here email the webmaster@chessmaniac.com
Maria Kelly
If you would like a message posted here email the webmaster@chessmaniac.com
Dr. Shaun Kelly
If you would like a message posted here email the webmaster@chessmaniac.com
Kevin Maxwell
I study chess because I am in constant dread that Dennis may beat me.
My USCF rating.
Ingmar Monson
I've lived in the area for 1 1/2 years. I have been playing chess on and off for 23 years. I don't have an email yet. Until I get one I can be reached at 227-0498. My snail mail address is 115 Calle Arroyo Shandon, CA 93461. Please send me information about tournaments in the area.
My USCF rating.
Le Remy

I am an exchange student from France attending Templeton High School.
2065 ELO rating
2120 France rating

Colin Ryan


John Shuder

Drinking a red bull before my game. "I got wings!"

David Squire

I play chess because it's fun. What other reason is there?
" Chess is neither an art nor a science. Rather it is what human nature most delights in - a good fight."
Emanual Lasker

Dennis Steele
Hello, I love playing chess. I am a graduate student studying to become an elementary school teacher. I am also the founder and tournament director for Student Chess  a non-profit organization commited to the developement of after school chess programs in San Luis Obispo County. Please visit my web page. I am also a member of the Internet Chess Club. Check out my ICC rating and look some of my games. Check out my 15 seconds of fame in Chess Life.
My USCF rating.
My Favorite Chess Quotes:
" It is a mistake to think that combination is solely a matter of talent, and that it cannot be acquired"-- RETI
"I can see the combinations as well as Alekhine, but I cannot get into the same positions"-- Rudolf SPIELMANN
" The chess-board is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of the Universe, the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature, The player on the other side is hidden from us." -- Thomas HUXLEY (1825-1895).
Jim Tolerton
Warren Williamson
Chess is more than a game; it’s a sport, -a mental martial art- and a worthy lifetime pursuit. It repays manifold the energy & time we put into it.
My USCF Rating
John W. Wingfield
If you would like a message posted here email the webmaster@chessmaniac.com
My USCF Rating
Junior Member
Watch out for this little guy or he just might grab your queen.
Junior Member
He is a top five West Coast Scholastic Champion!
Junior Member
Junior Members

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