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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Improve Your Chess Playing With Brain Power Exercises

Brain Power
Intelligence Quotient - Increase Yours Today
Would you like to increase your intelligence quotient or IQ? You can use brain power exercises and techniques designed to help you long-term, but what if you want a quick brain fix right now? Maybe you have an important meeting coming up, or a crucial test, or just a chess game you don't want to lose. If you want fast results, and not an argument about the definition of intelligence, try some of the following.

Breath To Increase Intelligence Quotient

Breath deeply through your nose. Breathing deeply relaxes you and puts more oxygen in your blood (and therefore in your brain). Since relaxation has been proven to improve brain function, and low oxygen levels in the blood have been shown to decrease it, you benefit doubly from deep breathing. Nose-breathing uses the diaphragm more, drawing air further into the lungs. This is an easy, effective way to improve the functioning of your brain immediately.

Meditation also helps, partly because of the deep breathing. A simple breath-watching meditation allows true relaxation, and is conducive to creative problem solving. Close your eyes and breath through your nose, deeply at first, then in whatever way is comfortable. Thoughts will arise, but just dismiss them and return your attention to your breath. Continue this for at least a few minutes.

Move To Increase Intelligence Quotient

Posture affects our state of mind, and helps us to think more clearly. Here's an experiment to prove this to yourself. First do math problems in your head while slouching, with your mouth open. Then try again while sitting up straight with your lips together. You'll notice that it's easier to think this way.

Exercise, but just enough to get the blood pumping. This can "wake up" your brain and help you think better. Walking works best for many, but any aerobic activity can help increase your IQ.

You probably knew that sleep can help brain function. However, the evidence shows that the quality of sleep is very important, not just the quantity.

Eat To Increase IQ

Ginkgo biloba leaves, whether in capsules or tea or off a neighbors tree, have been shown to increase blood flow to the brain, helping memory and concentration. The effect is quick, and doesn't seem to diminish with regular use.

Use caffeine. Everything from test scores on college exams to chess games have been shown to improve after a cup of coffee or other drink containing caffeine. However, it is a temporary effect, and caffeine may have adverse long-term effects for regular users.

Avoid sugar. Any simple carbohydrates taken in large quantities can give you a sluggish feeling that makes it difficult to think. Insulin is dumped into your veins after the sugar is, giving you the "sugar blues." Avoid white flour, sugar, potatoes, and other carbohydrates when you need a clear mind.

Results - Not Definitions

Experts can argue about whether you can increase your IQ in any absolute sense, but we know there are times when you would score higher or lower on an IQ test, right? If you slept well, exercised, drank coffee and ginkgo tea, then sat up straight and breathed deeply as you took the test, don't you think you would score a few points higher? Even more importantly, wouldn't you be better prepared for whatever mental tasks you faced? Get smarter now, and forget the arguments about intelligence quotient.

Steve Gillman has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, and related topics for years. Subscribe to his free Creative Problem Solving Course, and get a free gift at:

Article Source: Ezine


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