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Saturday, August 11th, 2012

Chess and Politics

Now that presidential candidate Mitt Romney has picked Paul Ryan for his vice president, it does not appear that either one plays chess. Here are some other politicians who play chess.

Governors: Salmon P. Chase (OH), John Crittenden (KY), Benjamin Franklin (PA), John Griggs (NJ), Mike Huckabee (AR), Bob McDonnell (VA), George Pataki (NY), Rick Perry (TX), Bob Riley (AL), Arnold Schwarzenegger (CA), Harold Stassen (MN), William Weld (MA)

Mayors: Richard Daley (Chicago), John Dickert (Racine, Wisconsin), Mark Funkhauser (Kansas City), Fiorello LaGuardia (New York), Richard Riordan (Los Angeles), C.C. Wall (Winlock, Washington)

Presidents: John Quincy Adams, Jimmy Carter, Grover Cleveland, Bill Clinton, Calvin Coolidge, Millard Fillmore, James Garfield, Ulysses S. Grant, Warren Harding, Rutherford B Hayes, Herbert Hoover, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, James Madison, James Monroe, Barack Obama, James Polk, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Harry S Truman, George Washington, Woodrow Wilson

Presidential Candidates: Patrick Buchanan, William Crawford, Bob Dole, John C. Fremont, Ralph Nader, Winfield Scott

Press Secretary: Pierre Salinger

Secretaries of State: Henry Clay, Bainbridge Colby, Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance

Supreme Court Justices: Salmon P. Chase, Felix Frankfurter, Oliver Wendell Homes, John Marshall, Earl Warren

US Attorneys General: John Crittenden, John Griggs

US House of Representatives (Congressmen): Robert Bodine (MO), John Crittenden (KY), L. Irving Handy (DE), Glenn Nye (VA), Richard Pearson (NC), T.S. Plowman (AL), Josiah Quincy III (MA), Nick Rahill (WV), John Randolph (VA), Leo Ryan (CA), John Shafroth (CO)

US National Security Advisor: Zbigniew Brzezinski

US Postmaster General: Benjamin Franklin

US Secretary of War: John Crawford

US Senators: Salmon Chase (OH), Henry Clay (KY), John Crittenden (KY), William Crawford (GA), Bob Dole (KS), James Huffman (OH), Nancy Kassebaum (KS), Shane Massey (SC), Rick Santorum (PA), Robert Taft (OH), George Wellington (MD)

US Treasury Secretary: Salmon Chase, John Crawford

Vice Presidents: Spiro Agnew, Aaron Burr, John C. Calhoun, George M. Dallas, Charles Dawes, Al Gore, Thomas Hendricks, Henry Wilson

White House Chief of Staff: H.R. Haldeman

Other American Politicians: Alexander Meek (Alabama Attorney General), Alonzo Morphy (Supreme Court Justice of Louisiana and state attorney general), Carl Rove (Deputy Chief of Staff to the President)

Other world politicians who played chess include: Abdullah ibn Hussein, king of Jordan; Prince Albert; Cory Aquino; of the Philippines; Yasser Arafat; Herbert Asquith, British prime minister; Clement Attlee, British prime minister; Arthur Balfour, British prime minister; Menachem Begin; Napoleon Bonaparte; Andrew Bonar Law, British prime minister; Willy Brandt, German chancellor; Leonid Breshnev; Fidel Castro; Jacques Chirac; Winston Churchill; Valery D’Estaing; Benjamin Disraeli, British prime minister; Muamar Gaddafi; Mahatma Gandhi; William Gladstone, British prime minister; Mikhail Gorbachev; Vaclav Havel, Czech president; Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, first president of the Republic of Kalmykia; Nikita Khrushchev; Vladimir Lenin; John Major, British prime minister; Ferdinand Marcos; Gamal Nasser; Benjamin Netanyahu; Robert Peel, British prime minister; William Pitt, British prime minister; Anwar Sadat, Helmut Schmidt, German chancellor; Natan Sharansky; and Josip Tito.

– Bill Wall

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